002 Pirates and The Village
Lee Garratt has been a kibbutznik, a Metropolitan police officer, has taken people up the Mekong river and hiking in the Polish mountains, and is currently a teacher living in Derby, England. Brought up on a diet of John Wyndham, Hemingway and Le Guin, from Rochdale's public libraries and WHSmith's, he writes a variety of poetry and prose.
You can find his books here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lee-Garratt/e/B0894327YP?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1597663798&sr=1-1
Ian Pringle is the founder of this show and you can find mare of him here www.ianpringlevoiceover.com or here https://twitter.com/ianpringlevoice
To submit a story go here https://www.ianpringlevoiceover.com/short-story/